Here Some Facts And Uses Of Vodka Drink

Thursday, June 7, 2012

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Vodka is commonly known as a kind of drink served in parties or even just for solo drinking. Its essence is so much superior to any other drink. Due to the large variety of flavors available for this drink it gets spicier for any new drinker. But do you know that Vodka has also other uses which are really beneficial in daily life?

vodka bottle
  1. Here are some of the ways to make use of Vodka, well, aside from drinking:      Vodka helps in removing bandages from your wounds. Simply apply some vodka on the bandaged area and it can be easily removed without pain.
  2.    Cleaning eye glasses with a soft cloth soaked in Vodka is really good as its alcohol essence simply wipes it clean and removes all the germs.
  3.    Dry lips can be a problem, but it can be solved with Vodka. Just apply some vodka on your lips and wait until it dries.
  4.    If mixed with crushed rosemary and applied on hair, Vodka will help you with your dandruff problems.
  5.     Spray vodka on clothes, wait until it dries, and voila! It will smell fresh.
  6.     Washing feet with vodka will help eliminate foot odor.

Well, these are just some of the facts about Vodka which you can use in your daily life. Make a change through making use of the knowledge you have about this drink. 


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