The 10 Rare And Strange Phobia

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

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Most girls afraid of cockroaches, spider, snake, crocodiles, and other reptiles because they will scream out loud if they see one of these reptiles in their hand or 1 meter away. If you are afraid of spiders you have an arachnophobia these people afraid of all kinds of spiders. This phobia is reduced by confronting their fears by holding one of these spiders with the supervision of a doctor of these kinds of phobia in order to recover from their fears. You can also apply this in other things that you are afraid of. 

Others are afraid in crowded people, public places like markets and they are afraid of leaving in a safe place. 
These kinds of phobia is the minimal phobia in a human being. 

The 10 most rare and strangest phobias 

1. Ablutophobia - This phobia is afraid of washing, bathing and cleaning. This kind of phobia is usually found in women and children who are not emotionally stable. 

2. Chorophobia -  Is  irrational fear of dancing. the symptoms of this fear is to do everything and anything to avoid dancing in any form or kind. the cause of this phobia is generally by someone influenced of dancing in the person's life. 

3. Koumpounophobia - The fear of buttons and other similar thing like discs, coins, etc. and  also Steve Jobs has this kind of phobia 

4. Arachibutyrophobia - This is also another strangest phobia. This is the fear of peanut butter to sticking into the top of your mouth. Most people having this fear do not chew rather than swallow peanut butter 

5. Phobophobia - This one is the most interesting phobia. The fear that one might develop a phobia which is actually a phobia. This is more psychological than a phobia. 

6. Estiophobia - This is a very rare phobia is estiophobia; This is the fear of clothes. The suffers of this phobia is not all clothes but a certain type and material. This kind of phobia is found in people who are fat and middle aged. They think that clothes make them look shabbier. 

7. Caligynephobia - This phobia is fear of beauty and many people are having this kind of phobia that have fear of beautiful women and this can be found in adolescent children and men who might not have a straight orientation  

8. Scopophobia - The fear of being looked and this is a weird phobia because everyone is looking at the time at some point in time. This might lead to social cut-off of the sufferer

9. Euphobia - This is the fear of good news because some people that hearing a good news but of its consequence, as they believe that a good news is always followed by a bad one. 

10. Allodoxaphobia -  People that are afraid of opinions from other people regarding from what others opinion of their personality, clothes, jobs, home, everything. 


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